
What is an Expense Report? How to Create One?

Vlad Falin

January 19, 2023


One crucial aspect of business finance management is knowing how the money of your organization is being spent.  You can’t paint a complete picture of your organization’s financial health without understanding how the money is flowing first. This clarity is precisely what effective expense reports provide. When properly maintained, expense reports give you a clear perspective over your organization's finances. 

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into:

  • The Definition of Expense Reports: What are they and why are they crucial?
  • The Importance of Accurate Expense Reporting: How does it affect your organization's financial health?
  • Creating Effective Expense Reports: We'll explore two practical methods to craft accurate and insightful expense reports, empowering you to make informed financial decisions.

What is an expense report?

An expense report is a crucial tool in business finance management. It is a categorized and itemized list of expenses made on behalf of the organization. These reports assist employers or finance teams in determining what money was spent, what was purchased, and how much of the expenditure is eligible for reimbursement.

The purpose of an expense report is to track the expenditures of a business and expense forms should include all purchases necessary to operate a business, such as food, gas, or parking.

It is most commonly used by employees when requesting reimbursement for expenditures. 

When expenditure amounts exceed a certain threshold, receipts are usually attached to the form. 

Employees are paid the requested amounts after the employer examines their submissions for accuracy and validity. 

In this case, the employer will be able to recognize accounting profit and taxable profit based on the reimbursements.

Business expense reports are usually generated on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis to track business spending:

  • It is important for a company to maintain monthly and quarterly expense reports to track all of its purchases during that period. The reports are used to determine whether spending within the organization's budget is within its limits and to identify areas for cost reductions.
  • Yearly expense reports are in turn used for tax purposes. A company's tax returns are prepared using its annual expense reports.

It is also possible to use expense reports to detail expenditures made against an initial employee advance. 

Employers still record employee expenses as business expenses, but they do not reimburse employees; instead, they deduct the expenditures from employee advances.

Why use an expense report?

Expense reports are essential for small businesses, enabling a clear tracking of business expenses often paid out-of-pocket by employees. These reports detail all reimbursable expenses and require attaching receipts for accurate verification. Once reviewed for accuracy, employees are reimbursed accordingly. Additionally, small business owners and accountants use these reports to analyze total expenses over specific periods, employing accounting tools to assess whether costs align with budget expectations

The following are some benefits of generating a expense report:

1. Facilitates efficient expense tracking and cost control

Analyzing expense report data is the ideal starting point for cost control. This allows you to track your firm's spending over time by giving you a clearer picture of what your money is being spent on. 

Additionally, you can analyze how much your employees are spending on different expense categories, determine which categories are driving up costs, and implement strategies to reduce or eliminate them. In addition to identifying loopholes in expense policies, these reports can help you decide which vendors to prioritize and which ones to let go by identifying loopholes in expense policies.

Tracking expenses over time allows you to identify whether a particular expense category (such as transportation or hotels) is increasing costs excessively. As a result, you can strategize on how to reduce or eliminate these costs.

2. Helps with budgeting

A business's budget is essential to its smooth operation. A detailed and accurate expense report can help your organization develop a strong and informed financial plan. As a result, various departments and projects can be allocated more appropriate budgets. You can maintain your business's financial security long-term by consistently tracking expenses in order to ensure that different departments and projects adhere to their budgets.

3. Makes for accurate reimbursements

In the event that an employee paid for business expenses out of pocket, they would expect a fair and accurate reimbursement. 

Also, you want to make sure that the request is fair so that you don't pay more than you are owed. 

It allows organizations to determine if a claim is legitimate faster by providing employees with a standardized process to learn what can and cannot be expensed. 

In addition to providing solid evidence of when, where, and how expenses were incurred, itemized expense reports with receipts do the same for proving compliance with your organization's expense policy.

4. Simplifies tax deductions

Tax deductions are available for many business expenses incurred by employees at work. In order to claim expenses as deductions, you must properly record them and provide proof that they were actually incurred. 

Business owners sometimes use their bank account or corporate card statements to keep track of their deductible expenses. It's important to keep in mind that these statements may not include all expenses. 

In contrast, expense reports simplify the process of keeping track and deducting deductible expenses during tax season. The finance team simply needs to add up all the expenses that can be deducted and enter them into the appropriate tax forms.


What should be in the expense report?

By creating an expense report, you (or your accountant) can easily add up all expenses so that they can be entered into your tax return. 

Some crucial elements to include in an expense report include:

  • The name, department, designation, and contact information of the employee who submitted the report.
  • The date and amount of each expense (corresponding to the date and amount on the receipt)
  • What type of expense is being incurred (meals, mileage, internet, etc.)?
  • Vendor or merchant who sold the item
  • If applicable, the client or project for which it was purchased
  • From your accounting chart, determine the account where the expense should be charged
  • A description of each expense in more detail
  • Expense subtotals and total costs, including taxes, for each type of expense
  • (If applicable) a deduction for prior advances made to the employee

How to create expense reports

Companies most often generate and track expense reports using spreadsheets, templates, or expense reporting software. 

You can generate expense reports in two different ways: manually through templates, or through Pluto. 

Manual expense reporting with custom templates

To make the task of preparing expense reports easier for employees, some organizations provide customizable, ready-made templates to download and use. To report expenses in this way, follow these steps:

  1. The employee outlines their name, contact information, designation, the dates covered, and the purpose of the report in the appropriate fields.
  2. Following that, they determine how many rows and columns the expense report should contain. For example, some firms have mandatory columns and categories that correspond to the expense categories and columns in tax returns.
  3. In the report, expenses should be listed chronologically with brief descriptions, with the most recent expense appearing at the end.
  4. In order to calculate the grand total, the employee must first calculate the subtotals for each expense category followed by the total for all expenses. Subtotals assist the finance department in analyzing expenses.
  5. Finally, all expenses mentioned above must be accompanied by receipts. The receipts can either be scanned or photocopied depending on whether the report is being submitted digitally.
  6. Reports are submitted to the line manager or department manager for validation and fraud detection.
  7. As soon as they approve the report, it is forwarded to the finance department for reimbursement.

Automated expense reporting

The use of expense report templates is a quick way to keep track of expenses for small businesses. 

The problem arises when your business grows, at which point the process of filling out a report, even if using a template, can become a time-consuming task. 

When multiple departments process several expense reports a day, it is important to switch to an automated expense reporting solution like Pluto, so that these reports can be tracked and managed more efficiently.

  1. Pluto enables employees to create expense reports on the fly. Their receipts need to be captured digitally or filled out in the mandatory fields within the application. 
  2. By grouping all the expense claims together, a report can be created and submitted effortlessly. 
  3. Pluto also provides virtual and physical cards, so the expense data are booked straight into the platform for later use.
  4. Line managers and department managers review reports to identify policy violations, fraud, duplicate expenses, or warnings about them. 

How to simplify the expense reporting process

While expense reports are important when it comes to gaining an overall view of the way money is moving, creating them can be a hassle when your organization incurs too many expenses to keep track of manually.

However, there are a few ways that you can simplify your expense reporting. These include:

Switching to expense reporting software

The first step in expense management is to file expense reports. You must also maintain policy compliance, reimburse expenses on time, and conduct successful expense audits to stay on top of your business expenses. 

This is where Pluto can help. By providing multiple ways to record expenses on the go, we eliminate the need for manual data entry and paperwork. You can benefit from an expense management solution by:

  • Generating and submitting reports automatically;
  • The ability to support multiple expense policies and spend limits;
  • Eliminates policy violations and fraudulent expenditures
  • Analytical reports and intuitive dashboards increase spend visibility

With all of these features, you can save time and money while keeping your employees productive.

Make expenses easy to report and track

Provide your employees with Pluto real-time reporting system where they can track expenses, submit receipts, and report business expenses. 

Business expense reports can be updated in real-time using online or smartphone apps, and receipt images can be added for total transparency, if you use digital technology. 

Time-stamping and expense classification make it easy to catch fraud, which is beneficial to both you and your employees.

Embrace mobile devices

By scanning receipts and automatically extracting and reporting the key data, Pluto saves your employees' time and improves their expense reporting accuracy. 

It makes perfect sense for you to use an app that allows your employees to track expenses easily from their phones since most (if not all) of your employees spend a lot of time on their smartphones. 

Set up a routine audit

Ensure that you also incorporate a routine audit process into your business expense report policies. Your expense report should be audited quarterly, biannually, or annually, depending on the number of expenditures your employees incur. 

You can catch fraud cases through audits, but you can also understand where the biggest expenditures are and reduce them. 

Routine audits can also help you improve management and tracking of your business expenses by letting you know how to refine your reporting process.

Automated expense reporting with Pluto

Pluto allows you to issue virtual cards and physical cards and that immediately solves two things:

  • No need for petty cash or out of pocket expenses;
  • Real-time reporting of all the incurred expenses;

The spend management system allows you to issues cards for a particular employee, vendor, or even expense type. 

It also allows you to set the limits on the go, and see all the expenses in the real-time report. All that, while your employees can easily categorize the expenses and upload the physical receipts just by taking a photo on their mobile device. 

Reporting expenses manually is very time consuming, but having them all digitally stored and automatically reported solves the problem. 

Key takeaways

Expense reports are a crucial aspect of the financial bookkeeping of any business organization. Not only are they important for knowing how much money is being spent by the company, whether as a whole or for a specific project, but also for the purpose of reimbursing employees for business-related expenses. 

Plus, they also help you with budgeting, tax reporting, and cost control measures.

You can easily create an expense report using a premade or personalized template, but you’ll have a much easier time in the long run if you start using Pluto.

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December 4, 2023

Mohammed Ridwan

Top 7 Accounts Payable Automation Software

An invoice has landed in your inbox. As soon as it arrived, a team member cleared the payment. Later, when another team member came across it, they made the payment again. This is a common scenario of duplicate payments that results in cash leakage. Invoices are not consolidated. There is no proper approval workflow, and stakeholders lack visibility. 

Overall, managing accounts payable (AP) becomes a nightmare. 

An automation tool solves these bottlenecks and provides a centralized platform for invoice management and accounts payable. An accounts payable automation software automates invoice capture and retrieval to consolidate all the information on a unified platform. You get real-time visibility and control over your payables. 

As a result, you establish better vendor relationships and supply chain management without impacting cash flows.

This post will cover 7 AP automation software to help you choose the right automation partner.  


Top 7 accounts payable automation software 

Here are the top 7 AP automation software. You can pick one of these to automate your accounts payable based on your company size and needs.

1. Pluto

account payable automation software by pluto

Pluto is an accounts payable software that transforms your AP processes by simplifying bill processing. From enabling GRN matching to setting fully customizable multi-layer approval workflows, it is the best AP automation software to manage your vendor payments. 

Key Features:

  • Facilitates three-way GRN matching with purchase orders and item-based matching
  • Offers a flexible approval engine capable of managing intricate hierarchies without requiring technical expertise
  • Enables multi-layer invoice approvals with policies to align with your company's structure
  • Ability to upload invoices easily via WhatsApp images and emails to speed up the receipt capture process
  • Facilitates optical character recognition (OCR) technology to retrieve invoice information, including tax and general ledger (GL) codes
  • Offers a centralized dashboard to gather bills in one place and track the status to avoid double payments
  • Consolidates approved invoices in a single window to highlight pending bills and avoid delays
  • Raises alerts for upcoming payments, enables scheduling payments in advance and automates invoices 
  • Allows you to seamlessly carry out bulk local and international wire transfers for easy payment clearing through their treasury partners.
  • Enables you to split payments for different tax and GL codes, departments, etc. 
  • Provides vendor-specific corporate cards to control budgets and detect irrelevant expenses
  • Supports ERP integration to synchronize your vendors, purchase orders, and bills
  • Integrates with accounting software such as Oracle, NetSuite, Zoho, Quickbooks, Wafeq, Xero, etc.
  • Provides a complete audit trail of the process to ensure visibility at each step
  • Shows real-time analytics to facilitate deep insights for supporting budget control


Free to get started 


  • Free to get started!
  • Enables branch and subsidiary-level spend tracking (not offered by other platforms)
  • Offers up to 2% cashback on all non-AED transactions 
  • Independent PCI DSS Level 1 certification for advanced security
  • SSO/SAML Capabilities for Enterprises
  • Better Forex rates than most local banks 


  • Integrates with all other major ERPs except Tally
  • Slightly longer on-boarding due to corporate card offering


2. Tipalti

AP automation software by tipalti

Tipalti is an automation tool that supports end-to-end AP processes. It streamlines accounts payables and facilitates global payments in local currencies for various recipients, from suppliers to freelancers. The cloud-based platform helps finance teams manage payments without losing visibility and control. 

Key Features:

  • Supports supplier onboarding and vetting to ensure supplier reliability and trustworthiness
  • Integrates with ERP and accounting systems to help with reconciliation reporting
  • Uses OCR to scan, capture, match, and process invoice data to reduce manual errors
  • Provides built-in approval workflows and payment scheduling 
  • Offers invoice processing, including two-way and three-way purchase order matching and approval to avoid overpayments
  • Assists AP processes for subsidiaries and entities


Starts at $129 per month per user for the platform fee and charges for additional features separately


  • Can manage supplier bank account details in a secure environment


  • Cannot use it for prepayment invoices on inventory purchases with the ERP system
  • High foreign currency exchange fees
  • Tax forms can be difficult to fill out and very difficult if you do not speak English

3. Airbase

AP automation platform by Airbase

Airbase manages global AP processes. It focuses on ensuring compliance and syncing with your accounting tool to streamline payment. It is an automation solution for small to midsize businesses (SMBs) and large enterprises with 100-5,000 employees.

Key Features: 

  • Offers OCR to populate details, including GL category, date, amount, and purpose
  • Supports onboarding with a self-service vendor portal and custom questionnaires
  • Has a centralized dashboard with all key information about the invoice to avoid friction 
  • Accepts invoices from email or vendor portal across all subsidiaries
  • Offers automated approval workflows based on multiple parameters, such as vendor, amount, GL category, etc.
  • Enables three-way invoice matching to ensure compliance and reduce wasted spend
  • Real-time audit trail with receipts, notes, and documentation for transparency


Request a custom quote


  • Intuitive and easy to use; no training or previous knowledge required


  • The mobile app is slow and takes time to load pages 
  • SSO-based login is not smooth
  • Not suitable for complex branch-level approvals and expenses

4. Ramp

Ramp's AP automation solution

Ramp is an accounts payable solution for managing payments and business expenses. It automates bill entries, approvals, and payments while offering complete visibility and control. By tracking each AP step from data recording to approvals, it simplifies payment processing and takes the burden off teams. 

Key Features:

  • Uses artificial intelligence (AI) to extract key details from invoices to offer accuracy and eliminate data-entry errors
  • Identifies duplicate invoices and helps with two-way matching to purchase orders
  • Offers custom approval workflows to minimize errors and ensure timely payments 
  • Provides a unified dashboard with visibility into the status of invoices
  • Consolidates multiple payment options, such as check, card, same-day ACH, or international wire
  • Integrates with accounting solutions, such as QuickBooks, Xero, Oracle NetSuite, Sage, etc. for auto-sync bill pay transactions
  • Supports international payment processing in multiple currencies 
  • Tracks vendor data and transactions for easy reporting and data-driven decisions


Three pricing packages—free or basic features, $15 per user per month for Ramp Plus, and custom quote for enterprises with features like enterprise ERP integration, custom implementation, and local card issuance


  • Works with multiple subsidiaries
  • Offers cash back on credit card purchases made using VISA cards


  • Can’t unmatch an incorrectly matched invoice (invoice to credit card)
  • Approval routing can only be set on the vendor level, not the department level
  • Limitations in syncing repayments

5. Bill

Accounts payable automation tool by Bill

Bill is an accounts payable solution for SMBs to control payables, receivables, expenses, and all corporate expenses. It allows businesses to streamline scattered AP processes into a single platform and gain more control over their finances. 

Key Features:

  • Enables custom approval workflows for minimal hassle
  • Automates purchase order workflows with the option for automated two-way and three-way matching
  • Automates receipt matching, categorization, and expense reporting, decreasing administrative tasks
  • Syncs with all major accounting systems like QuickBooks, Sage, Intacct, and NetSuite
  • OCR auto-populates invoices for data entry
  • Provides bulk payments of approved invoices with payment choices, such as ACH, credit cards, checks, and international wire transfers
  • Offers audit trail of any changes or actions related to the invoice on a single page


Provides a free trial and essentials pack starting at $45 for six standard user roles. Its team and corporate pack are for $55 and $79, respectively. Enterprises need to request a custom quote.


  • One-click swift payments
  • Minimum training required
  • Easy-to-use mobile app


  • Customer support is difficult to initiate, slow, and unresponsive
  • Frequent changes in the interface create confusion for users

6. Procurify

Procurify's AP automation software

Procurify streamlines AP reconciliation, offering a straightforward solution for financial operations. From catalog management to custom user controls, it helps to track the procurement process in real time. Its no-code configuration allows for a prompt deployment in under six weeks, making it a suitable choice for mid-market to enterprise organizations.

Key Features:

  • Creates, tracks, and maintains an audit trail of all procurement transactions for transparency and compliance
  • Ensures that requested items are approved against budgets before procurement
  • Integrates with trusted vendors through punchout catalogs to streamline the ordering process
  • Syncs bills and completes bill payments directly with platforms like QuickBooks Online, NetSuite, and other major accounting systems
  • Supports OCR  technology to extract data from invoices


Starts at $2000/month with a custom pricing tier


  • Ability to upload different invoices in the same PO and group invoices


  • Doesn’t offer payment services, so you need to carry out payments on a different platform
  • Physical inventory has to be tracked outside Procurify

7. ZipHq

Accounts payable automation by ZipHQ

Ziphq is an end-to-end procure to pay software designed to streamline the entire procurement process, from purchase order to payment. It caters to businesses of all sizes — startups, mid-size companies, and enterprises with no-code configuration and deployment in under six weeks.

Key Features:

  • Offers vendor cards to automate recurring and one-time payments
  • Centralizes purchasing workflows, providing real-time visibility into the AP process
  • Facilitates automatic purchase order matching, ensuring invoice accuracy and timely payments
  • Provides automated, no-code workflows, referencing all stakeholders in the approval chain
  • Allows employees to comment on invoices and tag stakeholders, ensuring everyone has the context and visibility needed
  • Automates renewal planning with workflows initiated well ahead of deadlines, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions
  • Supports vendor payments in 140+ countries and 40+ currencies
  • Integrates with ERP, ensuring quick and easy reconciliation, even for complex, multi-subsidiary operations


Request a demo quote


  • Provides various customization options to configure internal processes


  • Localized to the USA market
  • Takes over five days to settle vendor payments 
  • Can’t bulk upload documents

How to choose the right accounts payable automation software?


Select software that is adaptable and user-friendly, with intuitive trigger-based workflows and a clean interface, ensuring ease of use without excessive reliance on support for basic tasks.

Versatile payment capabilities

Choose a solution that supports a broad spectrum of payment methods, including the ability to issue vendor-specific cards for secure and speedy payments, a feature not commonly found in many platforms.

Accurate Invoice Processing

Opt for software with OCR technology to enhance invoice processing speed and accuracy, capable of handling invoices from various sources and integrating them into a centralized database for reduced manual entry.

Efficient Approval Workflows

The software should include a straightforward, no-code workflow builder that can handle complex hierarchies, essential for large organizations with intricate approval processes.

Seamless System Integration

Ensure the software integrates well with existing accounting systems to automate data entry and maintain synchronized records, which is crucial for effective financial management.

Advanced Reporting Features

Reporting functionality that offers insights into spending patterns and department-specific expenditures is vital. The software should provide a robust reporting dashboard with options for deeper analytics.

Choosing the right accounts payable automation software 

Implementing accounts payable software will support your procurement process only when you carefully pick an option that provides flexibility, visibility, and security without losing on functionality. 

Imagine software that makes it easy to clear payments but doesn’t settle payments for days on the vendor’s end. Contrarily, consider an option your legal or IT team is skeptical of implementing. 

That is why, at Pluto, we focus on simplifying processes and cutting all the chaos without risking security, flexibility, or functionality. We simplify accounts payable by syncing with your payment gateways for faster payments at better forex rates than banks. You get a PCI DSS Level 1 certified solution that provides you with bank-grade security. 

So, book a demo and learn more about how you can optimize your entire procurement process.

Corporate Cards
October 10, 2022

Leen Shami

Corporate vs. Business Credit Card: What is the Difference?

Corporate credit card vs. a business credit card. You might have heard both terms used interchangeably, but what's the difference?

Primarily, corporate cards are issued to large businesses with many employees, while business credit cards are designed for smaller businesses. Corporate cards generally have higher spending limits and may offer more perks than business cards due to their volume.

This post will cover the main differences so you can decide which card is best for your business.


What is a Business Credit Card?

A business credit card is a commercial payment solution for companies and businesses. Similar to a personal credit card, business credit cards are used when business-related purchases are made on credit provided by one of the credit card companies.

Banks in the UAE and MENA offer various business credit cards for small, medium, and large companies. 

Business credit cards usually offer higher credit limits than personal credit cards and may come with exclusive privileges, such as free travel insurance, concierge services, and air miles.

In the case of small businesses, a personal credit score will play an important role in credit limit approval.

What is a Corporate Credit Card?

A corporate credit card is issued to company employees to help with business expenses. The company will be liable for any debts incurred on the card.

It is important to note that corporate cards are not personal credit cards and should only be used for business purposes.

Financial institutions expect you to spend more with a corporate card than a business card, as the companies that require those cards are usually bigger. Therefore, the company must have a good credit score to qualify. This can come with various perks, such as lower interest rates, extended grace periods, and, most importantly - higher spending limits.

At the same time, there can be some drawbacks, such as:

  • Long approval periods due to the nature of the financial product.
  • Limited online features for your cards and company spend management. 

What is a Pluto Card?

Pluto is MENA's corporate card that helps finance teams take control of their company's expenses while saving their business time & money. While Pluto can't give you a line of credit, you will be able to instantly issue as many business and corporate cards as you need while getting a complete overview of your business's spend management on one dashboard.

Pluto Virtual & Physical Corporate Cards

Virtual credit cards

Virtual cards are corporate credit card numbers used for online business-related purchases and contactless payments.

Although there is no physical card, virtual credit cards are great as they are flexible, convenient, and controllable.

With virtual credit cards, you can:

  • Issue unlimited virtual credit cards/employee cards;
  • Create a virtual credit card within seconds;
  • Set employee spending limits to avoid going over budget;
  • Generate a one-time use purchase card that deactivates as soon as it is used;
  • Set purchases to be made with specific vendors so the card can't be used for other purchases;

Chances are that if you need a virtual credit card at your existing bank, it might take quite some time, and the reporting and limit setting options might not be very user-friendly.

While Pluto cannot provide you with credit cards, we can issue as many virtual cards as you need with just a few clicks:

Physical credit cards

Physical corporate credit cards serve the same purpose as virtual and business credit cards, making payments. Unlike virtual cards, physical corporate credit cards can be used in person to make purchases.

While both virtual and physical credit cards are comparable, the main differences are:

  • Physical corporate credit cards may take up to 3 business days to be delivered.
  • Virtual cards cannot be used physically.
  • Virtual cards are safer for the user, as they cannot be lost or stolen.

Benefits and perks

The benefits and perks differ for business and corporate credit cards and Pluto cards.

Business & corporate credit cards:

  • Receive Business reward points for purchases made that can be redeemed for future purchases.

Pluto cards:

Pluto Corporate Card Perks

Why are Business Credit Cards and Corporate Credit Cards Different?

Now you know the main difference between business and corporate cards, but let's investigate some of them in more detail.

Expense management tools

Business credit cards are frequently limited to your online banking platform. In the case of corporate credit cards, you may get something slightly better - an enterprise solution.

But from what we have seen, the speed of card issuing or limit changes is usually lacking.

Pluto doesn't give you a credit line, but here is a list of things that Pluto's expense management platform does:

  • Unlimited corporate cards (within seconds);
  • Set spending limits on corporate cards to avoid going over budget or being overcharged;
  • Issue one-time purchase cards that deactivate after being used;
  • Real-time transactional data - know what (and where) is being spent in real-time;
  • Ability to oversee company financials and receive instantaneous expense reports;
  • Automated accounting; 
  • Sync transactional data to major accounting platforms;
  • Simple and quick reimbursements;
  • Digitized receipt reconciliation;
  • Close books in hours, not days.

Corporate and business card fees

The fees that you might have to pay on corporate and business cards fall into two main categories:

Annual fees

For business and corporate credit cards, annual fees may differ depending on the bank or credit card issuer you choose to move forward with. Typically, the UAE's yearly fees range from 0-800 AED, with 'free for life' being the most popular.

If there are any fees, you can typically waive them by spending a certain amount per year.

Pluto cards do not have any annual fees and are entirely free; however, if you're a large corporation that wants unlimited users, custom ERP integrations, or a dedicated account manager, there will be a monthly subscription fee.

FX fees

Business and corporate credit cards tend to incur FX fees, making it expensive for a company owner, a small business, or a large business to do any transactions outside their domestic currency.

FX fees can be high, and credit card issuers are usually not transparent with the fees that come with them. Typically, fees come in the form of an FX spread and are hidden inside your payment, meaning you might be paying 2-6% for a transaction in a different currency.

Just imagine how much of your spending is in a different currency and take an optimistic 4% fee from that amount. Now multiply it by five years.

Pluto does not charge FX fees, making it the perfect choice for companies or businesses that frequently transact in foreign currencies.

Application & Approval Process

You must wait around two weeks for a business credit card approval. After the approval process, it may take up to 10 business days to receive your business credit card.

With a corporate credit card, the time may vary, but the chances are that you will need to wait more than 5 business days before you get approved.

From our experience, when you need an expense card - you need it on the spot!

Pluto has adopted a KYB & KYC (know your business and client) process that allows us to onboard customers in minutes. After you set up your account, you can start issuing virtual cards and continue your work without halts or limitations.

Corporate vs. Business Credit Cards Pros and Cons

While a corporate credit card and a business credit card may be comparable in some aspects, there are some differences between the two financial products.

Business credit card pros

  • Available for most businesses in their standard banking products;
  • Standard application process with low business requirements;

Business credit card cons

  • Usually limited in numbers, one card is internally shared amongst many employees. That creates bottlenecks in spending and raises various security risks;
  • Non-existent (or very limited) spend management platforms to monitor your reporting;
  • No virtual cards;
  • High FX fees;

Corporate credit card pros

  • Higher spending limits;
  • Possibility to issue several cards;
  • Safe & secure, as information is not being shared;

Corporate credit card cons

  • Longer approval process;
  • High FX fees;

While the pros and cons for both types of cards may vary, the final decision will be based on the size of your business.

Why Pick Pluto Card for Business and Corporate Users?

As mentioned, Pluto won't give you a line of credit; instead, Pluto provides you with an all-in-one expense management solution. 

Pluto's spend management platform

  • All your business expenses are at your reach on Pluto's dashboard;
  • Control over all issued cards and their limits;
  • Creation of unlimited virtual cards;
  • Real-time expense reporting;
Pluto's Dashboard

Approval workflow on Pluto

Once you have access to Pluto's expense management dashboard, you'll also be able to set up approval flows and automation.

With Pluto's approval workflow, you can:

  • Get visibility and control over your expenses;
  • Streamline how you manage your spending;
  • Automatically direct approvals to the right employees;
  • Create approval flows within departments;
Pluto Card Approval Workflow

Real-time expense reports

With Pluto cards, you'll gain real-time transactional data on company spending while being able to set strict budget limits.

This will also help you make informed decisions about allocating resources and improving your P&L.

Additionally, you can also set up notifications to be sent to your accounting or finance team whenever a transaction is made. This way, they'll always be in the loop and can take appropriate action if needed.

Which Card is Best for My Business?

The final pick of the card will depend on several factors related to your business.


The needs of companies based on their industries may differ. Consulting businesses need a flexible card solution with no FX fees, as their employees travel frequently. Digital agencies need multiple virtual cards to onboard new projects and pay for ad networks daily.

Consider the needs relevant to your industry and decide from there. While Pluto is an excellent pick for all industries (as we have a very versatile product), here are some of the use cases that illustrate the needs and how Pluto solves them:


Annual revenue, the number of employees, and spending volume will also come into play when making your decision.

If it is just you or a couple of employees, you may not need many cards (or you might take advantage of Pluto's virtual cards).

On the other hand, if you have a sales team that needs to pay for lunches with prospects every second day, one card in the business owner's name will be problematic! 


How much control do you need over your spending? Classic credit cards (be it business or corporate) usually have just a few features that are extensions of your online banking.

In some cases, that might be enough. If there is one card and one person using it - setting limits and monitoring the spending is not an issue.

Pluto comes into play when you have several holders and many cards, as you can set custom limits on cards. Real-time reports of spending suddenly become very important to increase and decrease limits on the go.

Pluto Corporate Card Budget Control

Key Takeaways

  • Business credit card is the best fit for small business owners; they offer a standardized solution.
  • Corporate credit cards are for bigger companies, allowing higher spending and slightly better control.
  • Pluto cards (used for all business sizes) can provide unlimited virtual cards and give you access to an all-in-one expense management platform.


Does a corporate credit card affect my credit score?

A corporate card is a company's liability and does not affect your credit score, and you will not see them on your personal credit report. Pluto cards do not affect your credit score in any way (as they do not provide loans or credit facilities).

What is the difference between a business and a corporate credit card?

The main difference between small business credit cards is the size of the company that uses them, followed by credit limits and available control features. Pluto provides cards to corporations and businesses through the all-in-one spend management platform.

What is meant by a corporate credit card?

A corporate credit card refers to a card provided by the company to the employee for various business-related expenses.

Is a corporate card the same as a credit card?

Credit cards primarily draw from an approved loan balance, while corporate card programs are just an extension to a dedicated corporate account. But the terms are used interchangeably nowadays.

What is the difference between corporate and domestic credit cards?

A domestic card may refer to a debit card or a card issued by your local bank for your local use. Corporate cards are accepted internationally, at the ATM, or online.

Can a corporate card be used for personal use?

No. By default, corporate cards have to be used for business expenses, which are reported into accounting, but most importantly, it is the company's money on that card. The only exception will be if your company allows it.

What is the advantage of a corporate credit card?

Usually, it comes down to higher spending limiting. Compared to small business credit cards, corporate credit card debt does not usually require a personal guarantee, as the company guarantees it.

In the case of Pluto's corporate card, we can also add - unlimited virtual cards, real-time team-wide spend control, instantaneous reporting, and no FX fees!

Does a corporate credit card affect my credit score?

No. If the corporate credit card has a credit facility attached to it (it usually does), it is a company liability, not a personal liability. You are given access to a portion of their credit facility that does not fall into the personal loans group, and you do not need to provide personal guarantees.

Can my company require me to put business travel on my own credit card?

No, the company cannot force you to put business expenses on your credit card, but it is sometimes easier for everyone. So, if you agree with that, and the company agrees to reimburse you - it is not a problem. 

If you are looking for a better solution, let the Pluto team know, and we will provide you with an easy corporate card platform for your whole team.

Do corporate credit cards require a credit check?

A corporate credit card (in its classical meaning) is attached to a loan facility. To approve this loan facility, banks must do a company credit check. 

Spend Management
November 10, 2022

Leen Shami

Understanding Business Expenses

All companies and businesses will incur business expenses, but how can you know what exactly is considered business expenses? And how will the introduction of UAE corporate taxes affect business expenses and income reports?

What are business expenses?

Business expenses are costs a business incurs to run the business properly. In simpler terms, they're expenses made by the business for the business.

With the UAE introducing corporate tax laws in 2023, it's crucial for businesses to be able to track and categorize their business expenses, as some of them may be tax deductible.

While the IRS may divide business expenses into ordinary and necessary business expenses, the UAE takes a different approach.

Ordinary business expenses are anything that is "common and accepted" to a business, whereas necessary expenses are anything that is "helpful and appropriate" to a business but not essential.

The federal tax authority in the UAE does not take a similar approach and only considers business expenses as tax deductible or not. We will discuss this in a later section.

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Examples of business expenses

Business expenses include a wide range of expenses, from insurance to office space, to online subscriptions, such as Zoom, Figma, or Adobe.

Let's break it down; if a design agency bills a client AED 120K per year, that doesn't mean they made a profit of 120K. When a business brings in revenue, it must account for the business expenses made to provide its clients with its services. These services include digital software subscriptions, office rent, employee wage, and/or wifi fees.

Here are some examples of the most common business expenses:

  • Advertising and marketing
  • Business travel (fuel, airfare, taxis, etc.)
  • Employee costs (payroll, salaries, insurance, perks, etc.)
  • Employee equipment (such as laptops, monitors, phones, etc.)
  • Legal fees
  • Office space rent & utilities
  • Software subscriptions

While many more expenses are considered business expenses, these are the ones most businesses will incur.

Types of business expenses

When setting up a budgeting plan, business expenses play a vital role in keeping the businesses' financials in check. When preparing a budgeting plan, finance teams typically begin by looking at the three types of business expenses incurred.

These business expenses include:

3 types of business expense; fixed, variable, and periodic

1. Fixed expenses

Fixed costs are costs that do not change; they happen at known intervals, such as month to month.

With predictable costs, budgeting is more straightforward, as these costs are always expected and never come as a surprise.

Examples of fixed expenses include:

  • Rent
  • Employee payroll/salaries
  • Utility bills
  • Insurance

2. Variable expenses

Variable expenses are business expenses that change from month to month. These costs vary depending on a company's production or sales volume; if production or sales increase, variable expenses increase, and if production or sales decrease, variable expenses decrease as well.

Variable expenses are typically a business's largest expense, as some may be unexpected or unaccounted for.

To calculate the variable cost, multiply the quantity of the output by the variable cost per unit of output.

Total variable cost = Total quantity of output X Variable cost per unit of output

Examples of variable expenses include:

  • Shipping expenses
  • Sales commissions
  • Raw materials (used in production)

3. Periodic expenses

Periodic expenses are business expenses that happen infrequently or, sometimes, semi-regularly.

Typically, periodic expenses happen on a quarterly or yearly basis, such as annual car insurance, but can also come as a surprise, such as a company car repair.

Budgeting can be tricky with periodic expenses, especially when expenses are infrequent.

Examples of periodic expenses include:

  • Maintenance & repairs
  • Merger and acquisitions costs
  • Major equipment purchases

Profit and loss statement report

A profit and loss (P&L) statement, also known as an income statement, is commonly used when businesses record business expenses. Through the P&L, businesses can determine their taxable income. This is especially important for UAE businesses with an annual net income above AED 375,000.

The 3 categories of an income statement include the following:

1. Costs of goods sold (COGS)

Costs of goods sold are the costs associated with the production of goods sold by a company. This typically includes direct costs only, such as materials used and labor costs to create the goods sold. Indirect expenses are not calculated regarding COGS; these include sales and marketing.

For a business to determine gross profit, the costs of goods sold must be deducted from its revenue. They also affect how much profit a company makes on its products.

2. Operating costs

For a business to run, operating costs are unavoidable.

Generally speaking, operating costs relate to a business's daily maintenance and administration. These include costs such as COGS, payroll, rent, and overhead costs. However, non-operating costs, such as interest and investments, are excluded from an income statement.

An income statement reflects operating income after operating costs are deducted from revenue.

3. Depreciation

When accounting for depreciation, there are two types to look at:

a. Depreciation expense

A depreciation expense is a loss in value of fixed assets that companies record through depreciation. During the period you use an asset, its value decreases, and the price you originally paid for it is allocated over time.

An example would be a physical asset that loses value over time, such as a car or vehicle.

b. Accumulated depreciation

Accumulated depreciation refers to the accumulated depreciation charge a specific asset has taken as it wears down or becomes obsolete. Accumulated depreciation is shown on the balance sheet, unlike depreciation expenses reported on the income statement.

Personal and business expenses

Knowing the difference between personal and business expenses incurred is vital, especially with the UAE corporate tax law coming up. Business expenses can be used to lower a business's taxable income; however, personal expenses incurred are not considered deductible expenses.

So, what's the difference between personal and business expenses?

Personal expenses

Personal expenses are purchases made for personal reasons and cannot be used as deductible expenses.

If you make a purchase for the business but add in an item for personal use, it is crucial to have two transactions to avoid mishaps coming your way. Having two receipts will help you record and store the receipt so the business expenses can be used as deductible expenses.

Business expenses

If you're making purchases that benefit the business, such as driving more revenue, they can be considered business expenses. When making business expenses, it's essential to keep a record of the purchase by storing the receipts. By doing so, you can use these business expenses to lower your tax liability by deducting the amount from your income.

Tax deductible expenses

We've reviewed personal expenses, the 3 types of business expenses, and what goes into P&L statements. But which of these are considered tax-deductible expenses? In a nutshell, all the above, other than personal expenses. Let's delve deeper into tax-deductible expenses.

Tax deductible expenses are business expenses that help businesses generate revenue. These expenses are deducted from the company's income before applying any taxes.

Examples of tax-deductible expenses:

  • Administration fees
  • Advertising and marketing
  • Bank charges
  • Insurance
  • Legal fees
  • Maintenance and repair
  • Office expenses
  • Office rent
  • Payroll/salaries
  • Supplies
  • Travel and transportation
  • Utilities

Non-deductible tax expenses

Non-deductible tax expenses cannot be deducted from a company's income.

In the UAE, there are 3 main categories for non-deductible tax expenses:

1. Related party payments from the mainland to a Free Zone Person

The related party payments made to a Free Zone Person that is taxed at 0% on receipt of the income will not be deductible for CT purposes. However, if the payment is attributed to a mainland branch of the Free Zone Person, the related party can claim a deduction.

2. Entertainment expenses

Because these types of expenses often also have a non-business or personal element, businesses can deduct up to 50% of the expense incurred to entertain customers, shareholders, suppliers, and other business partners.

3. Other expenses

No deduction will be allowed for certain specific other expenses, such as 

  • Administrative penalties
  • Recoverable VAT
  • Donations paid to an organization that is not an approved charity or public benefit organization.

How to keep track of business expenses

To maintain your business, it's important to track your business expenses. There are several ways to track business expenses; however, you will need to establish a system to account for costs and accurately manage your business.

Here are 6 steps to keep track of your business expenses:

1. Open a business bank account

A business bank account should be completely separate from your personal checking account and must only be used for business expenses/purposes. This will help you manage your business expenses easily and give you eligibility for business credit cards or, even better, Pluto corporate cards.

2. Select an accounting system

If you haven't chosen an accounting system yet, choosing one that's appropriate for your business is vital. Some businesses opt for spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel; however, to simplify the accounting process, we recommend going for accounting software that will automate the process for you.

3. Choose cash or accrual accounting

Choosing cash or accrual accounting typically depends on the size of your business.

Small businesses can use cash accounting and record transactions when they happen, as volumes are small.

For bigger businesses, accrual accounting is essential, as they have high volumes of transactions. With accrual accounting, only the product sold is recorded, rather than payment received for the product. Similarly, an expense is recorded when a bill is received rather than when an invoice is paid.

4. Store receipts

Storing receipts is essential, as they are proof of business expenses made. You can store receipts by scanning them, taking photos, and keeping digital copies.

5. Regularly manage and record expenses

It's important to track spending and categorize them accordingly. Examine every transaction to compare these business expenses to your revenue.

6. Consider subscribing to an expense software

For some businesses, it is worth looking into expense management software to automate the process of tracking, managing, and recording expenses.

Tracking business expenses with Pluto

If you choose to go for an expense management software, it will help you automate the tracking, managing, and recording of expenses. But Pluto's expense management software offers more than just tracking, managing, and recording your business expenses.

Pluto will keep detailed records of all your expenses, reduce your taxable income, and help you if you are audited or need to reconcile accounts.

With Pluto, you'll be able to do the following:

Store receipts

  • Upload your receipt through Whatsapp or the Pluto app as soon as a business expense is made
  • Store all digital receipts on Pluto's software
Upload receipts using Whatsapp

Record business expenses

  • All transactions are recorded on the software automatically when using Pluto corporate cards
  • Petty cash is automated, meaning expenses are recorded on the spot
  • If an expense is made using an employee's personal card, the expense is recorded automatically as soon as they file for a reimbursement

Track business expenses

  • All business expenses made by employees can be tracked through Pluto's dashboard
  • Daily, weekly, or monthly expense reports are available in real-time
Real-time reporting through Pluto

Accounting integrations

  • Pluto integrates with all major accounting platforms


  • All expenses recorded are auto-categorized through Pluto's AI technology
  • Pluto categories are synced to your GL codes

Create tax codes

  • Create and activate tax codes that sync with your accounting platform to mark expenses as tax deductible or not
Create and activate tax codes on Pluto's dashboard

Business expense FAQs

More often than not, business expenses have many different rules. Here are the commonly asked questions about business expenses:

How do I categorize expenses?

Most accounting software already has business categories incorporated in the software, so you can use them and amend them as needed.

Pluto's expense management software allows integrations with significant accounting platforms and automatically syncs to your GL codes and chart of accounts.

Do fuel costs count as business expenses?

If the fuel cost was made for business purposes, such as travel for a client meeting, then yes, it is counted as a business expense and can be considered tax deductible.

However, driving to and from work is rarely considered a business expense.

Can business expenses be carried forward?

The UAE corporate tax law details report still hasn't come out yet. We will update this question once the Federal Tax Authority shares more details in the UAE.

Is personal expenses tax deductible?

No. Personal expenses are not tax deductible.

Is my rent deductible if I am self-employed and my home is my office?

In some cases, yes, it is possible if you are self-employed, but only a certain percentage of your rent will be considered a business expense, for example, 25% of your rent.